The Saint Jude Retreats Alcohol Rehab Alternative

The Original Non 12 Step Program

Alcohol Rehab and Treatment

Saint Jude Retreat and Alcohol Rehab & Treatment: A World of Difference

Alcohol rehab, as implemented by alcohol treatment centers, starts with the assumption that you have a disease. The disease model is a myth. The typical alcohol treatment center will tell you that you have to undergo alcohol rehab in order to begin recovering from your disease. This recovery ideal is a perpetual trap – in the alcohol rehab model, you either are enrolled in a rehab, or you are in recovery – but make no mistake, you’re never free. Since we know you are not sick in this “recovery” sense, we focus instead on helping you make better choices and debunking all the addiction and recovery myths that keep you trapped in this rehab model. To make a long story short, alcohol rehab doesn’t work, and we have developed The Freedom Model, which is effective.

We are not an “alcohol rehab” because as most people know, rehab doesn’t work. That is why we changed the treatment system by creating a non 12 step approach called The Freedom Model that is 87% more effective than rehab programs and treatment programs. In America, “rehab” conjures up images of group therapy, 12 step meetings, and sulking “addicts” and “alcoholics” struggling with their demons in recovery. It’s a dismal picture. This IS NOT an accurate picture of Freedom Model. Alcohol treatment centers offering alcohol rehab believe that people are sick, dependent, weak, and in need of emotional “treatment” for the rest of their lives. The Freedom Model course curriculum is based on the facts that people are inherently independent, strong, and in need of options to better make positive and productive choices, but they are not, as alcohol treatment centers would have people believe, sick.

The term “rehab,” whether it means alcohol or drug rehab, is defined as a program that benefits from the individual’s beliefs in their weakness, their powerlessness, their unhappiness, their inability to cope, and that they have an incurable disease. The Freedom Model carries the opposite view, so therefore we could never be defined as an alcohol rehab. We do not treat individuals because there is no disease or disorder to treat. The disease concept has been debunked for over 70 years! We do not rehabilitate anyone, because Saint Jude’s and The Freedome Model are not based on controlling sick patients, but rather empowering individuals who are temporarily in a state of confusion, misinformation, and who live unknowing of the complete freedom they could possess if they were willing to learn.


As you research alcohol treatment and rehab options, you may start to see “treatment,” “rehab,” and even sometimes “detox” used interchangeably. The way the terms are used can be confusing because people aren’t always clear on the differences, but these differences are important to understanding your options. “Alcohol treatment” addresses the symptoms of what the treatment industry calls alcohol addiction. This can mean giving you different (prescription) drugs to get you detoxed from your drug of choice, and can also mean providing counseling as well.

“Alcohol rehab” is supposed to focus on helping you get back to your life without alcohol playing a major role in your day to day lifestyle. Some of the services meant to do this, such as counseling, can overlap with treatment, but the focus is less on treating symptoms and more on attempting to live life sober. To make it clearer, think of the difference between alcohol treatment and alcohol rehab this way. If someone breaks their leg, they go to the doctor to get the break treated. They get a cast and something to manage the pain. Once their leg has healed, it is weak and unable to do the things it once did. At this point, the person starts to rehabilitate the leg with physical therapy.

But here is the problem- The major flaw in both alcohol treatment and rehab is that they both assume you are incapable of making changes, that you are inherently weak, that you need to be treated as though you have a disease. At Saint Jude Retreats, we believe you have the capacity for change, so we don’t treat you as though you don’t. The Freedom Model has no issue with detox, as that is a life saving medical process. However, nearly every concept that is promoted in alcohol rehab and/or alcohol treatment centers is based on addiction myths and recovery myths. Learning and then living under the shroud of these myths is anything but helpful. The Freedom Model clears away these myths completely!

If you want to learn how to become free of the rehab and treatment trap, call us at the number below. You do not have to be labeled an alcoholic or drug addict anymore. You can be permanently free from your current unhappiness and depression. We have over nearly 3 decades of helping people successfully navigate through difficult times. Thousands have found a solution, and we are sure you can too.


Even if The Freedom Model is not for you, we still want to educate people on why you should stay away from addiction treatment found in alcohol rehabs. People spend their entire life savings entering rehabilitation 3 or 4 times for it to continuously fail them and provide lackluster results. If you are tired of these worthless alcohol rehabilitation programs, try a true non 12 step and non diseased based approach.

So when someone asks us, “Is Saint Jude Retreats an alcohol rehab or treatment program?” we try to make sure we are defined more by what we are than what we are not. We are an educational program that empowers, builds confidence, educates , debunks addiction and recovery myths, and frees you from the treatment trap.

There is no therapy, and there are no gimmicks or ridiculous activities to waste your time.  Our program is about you evaluating your current behaviors, your current beliefs and perspectives, and learning how you can change them moving forward. Saint Jude Retreats is not only affordable but has been proven to work for more than 30 years. Our Non 12 Step approach will change your life, and put responsibility and choice back in your hands, where it has always belonged.

If you have an alcohol problem and would like to gain more information about  The Saint Jude Retreats, call us today.

Below please find a list of related topics that will help you understand the true meaning and teachings of most rehabilitation programs in America.

Keep in mind space is limited at our retreat. If you are interested in coming to the retreat either now or at a future date, please call us today or send an e-mail. We look forward to helping you!

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